A more detailed look at Daughter of Mercury hair jewelry!

I finally took the time to make a longer and more detailed video of my hair spikes and cuffs!

I think maybe here might be a good place to leave my tips for good braids so you can wear your hair jewellery with confidence that your braids look great and your metalwork will stay put 🥰

Tip 1 - Even Sections! If your three strands are uneven, your braid will look all lumpy once you get down to the thinner parts and you'll run out of hair on one section before the others. If your hair gets thinner towards the ends, the challenge is to braid down far enough so tail is short enough to hide inside the spike

I often have to start my braids two or three times before I get them properly even, and I've been doing this for years!

Tip 2 - The hair tie! Hair ties are a pain the the backside, aren't they? The way I have found to make them do your bidding is to get the right ones! The ones with the metal clip on them - those ones are evil, dont use them! 😂 For our purposes, the thinner ones are best - it's also important to get decent ones. Basically don't get the £1 bundle, go for the next one up. Like £2.50 a bundle.

Tip 3 - The secret! Have you ever been tying your braid and found yourself wrapping the damn hair tie over and over again, until its a big mess that covers like an inch of your hair, thinking "there has to be a better way!"? Well I got you covered 😉 The better way - double your hair tie over once before you even start! 😱 I know now that I say it, it seems incredibly obvious, but I only thought of it like two years ago (I am 31 rn too 😂). I was always on the look out for hair ties that were like half size from what i normally find and then it hit me, just make them half size 🤦🏻‍♀️ it's honestly completely changed the game for me! 


Okay, this has become super long so I will end it here for now and will either add more braiding tips here in future, or make new posts/videos in future 😁

A more detailed look at Daughter of Mercury hair jewelry!
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